Yesterday morning, Christ the King Sunday, I woke up with a terrible cold. I had felt fairly healthy the night before when I said the Mass at two of my parishes. The aspect that was an extra bummer for me, was the fact that Christ the King Sunday is actually my favorite day on the entire liturgical calendar. Yes, I like it even more than Easter and Christmas! I know I have said this before, but in principle Christmas and Easter would not mean much if Christ never sat down at God's right hand to rule as King of the Universe. It is that most important fact that we cannot do without.
Christ, being seated on the throne of Heaven, is bringing together all that He did in His life, death, and resurrection and applying it to the world now. If it were not for His current reign, then we would not be able to receive any of the benefits of His grace; they would all be lost. This is why it is my favorite day of the liturgy. If we lose that truth, we lose everything that came before.
Furthermore, the encouragement that we receive from knowing that Christ is ruling in Heaven goes far beyond the worst problems that the world or the devil can throw at us (and even beyond what we can do to ourselves!). Are you in pain? Do not worry; Christ is still on His throne. Are you confused? Do not worry, Christ is still on His throne. Are you fearful? Do not worry, Christ is still on His throne. That is really the answer to every challenge that can ever be encountered, because were He not on His throne, then we would have something to worry about. As it is, we can take full confidence in Him because His love for us is not useless; it is the love of the One Who is King of kings and Lord of lords.
So then, back to the beginning point. I was sick (and technically still am) with a pretty bad cold. I woke up on Sunday morning and thought to myself "great! now I can't deliver my homily that I had prepared for this day". What is it that I hear the Holy Ghost saying to me? "Do not worry, Christ is still on His throne". I respond, "but, I have such good things to tell them!" Holy Ghost: "They are not dependent on you for their salvation, they are dependent on Christ as their King and Savior". Me: "OK, smack down accepted".
It is those wonderful experiences (yes, I did just call it "wonderful" that I got sick and could not offer the Mass, but please remember the context), that help us to keep ourselves on track and remember Who really is in charge. It is easy for each of us to overestimate our importance, and what better day to get it straight than on Christ the King Sunday? Let us each keep in our hearts a remembrance of what it means to be servants of the King of kings. Let us each rejoice that He is in charge and we are not. Let us each be thankful that it all depends on Him and not on us. Let us each give praise to Christ our glorious King.