Thursday, December 31, 2020

Saying Goodbye to 2020

Here we are at the end of the year and the beginning of a new one. Only a few hours to go as I write this. At this point in time it feels like "2020" will eventually become a curse word ("Oh yeah? Well, 2020 you!"). To be "2020'd" would mean to be inundated with a series of trials one after another.

This is one of the reasons why I have not written anything in so long. There is not too little to write about, but rather too much. Yes, I have been busy (as usual), but that is only a small factor in it. To take my point in the previous paragraph, we have been "2020'd" and we have survived. Yes, there are many that have had their faith shaken, and every family has experienced some kind of trial over the last year (my own family has had its share of suffering).

We have survived, but having been inundated with all the crazy stuff of 2020 (election fraud, lies about covid, riots promoting anarchy, etc.), we now appear to live in a "land of foreigners". Things have changed so radically since the end of 2019 that in some ways things are barely recognizable. This is obvious to even the most casual observer. Yes, those in the liberal media do not want us to see it ("just shut up and eat what we give you!" they tell us), but it is not hard to realize the truth if you are willing to look around. Those who think everything is going fine, are either ignorant or deceived (and I am not sure which is worse).

When we find ourselves in a situation like this, whether or not we can change the course of events, we need to start living in reality. We no longer have a nation that is at peace with Christianity. This has been fading for a few decades now, but in 2020 it took a leap forward. The socialists have made sure of that (including, especially, those who are socialists but do not call themselves by that name).

There are numerous passages in the Old Testament that speak of what it means to live in a "foreign land", and that is much like what we are dealing with today. Yes, we may be able to turn the tide someday, but until we do, we cannot live in a "fairy land" pretending that things are "just peachy". We have to be realistic and acknowledge that this is what God has chosen for us for the time being.

New Year's resolutions are a helpful way of rethinking the path we are on and committing ourselves to do better in the future (something like the Church's practice of Advent and Lent). As we all look forward to a new year with hopes and dreams that things will be better than 2020 (maybe? please?!), let us each resolve to accept the challenges that the Lord has chosen for us, and to meet them with faith, hope and love.

If we can change hearts and bring about a genuine repentance in America then praise God for that; but if not, then we must accept the fact that America will be led by someone who resists the Catholic faith, and that means that we have to be "on our toes" and realize that he (or she) will likely come after us. Are you ready? Are you working to stand fast today? Tomorrow may be too late. Keep the faith.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Right Response

Insane events do not necessarily call for insane responses, but that does seem to be what many people in America are doing today. If I had been told 30 years ago what the year 2020 would be like, I would have laughed and thought it was "conspiracy theory" doomsday stuff. It is funny how crazy ideas are only crazy until they come true (the best fantasy and sci-fi writers could not make this stuff up). Who would have imagined that politicians (and those who wish they were politicians) would use a sickness that has something like a 98% survival rate (according to the numbers that they are actually telling us!) to enforce draconian rules on American society? This is the exact kind of behavior that our forefathers were trying to get away from when they founded America!

So then, if "insane responses" are not what is called for today, then what is called for? Readiness, preparation, thoughtful consideration of the possible futures, and lots of prayer is what is called for. Have you asked yourself what you would do if the rulers said attending Mass is illegal (as many have already done in some places and are starting to do again)? I do not mean temporarily, but what if they said it was the new law of the land: no more religious observances? We would not be the first of God's people to be told that we cannot practice our faith. 

A few days ago in the readings for daily Mass, we were given a few of those "letters to the Churches" that Jesus had St. John send to some parishes in Asia Minor (Revelation chapters 2 and 3). We were only given a few of the letters for our readings, but it is worthwhile to go back and read all seven of them. They give us Jesus' words to Churches that are in the beginning of a persecution. He criticizes their compromises, encourages their faithfulness, and warns each of them that presumption of their status before God is foolish. No one is promised that their faith would never falter.

That is truly a message that each of us needs to hear today. It is so easy to say you agree and then point to "that guy over there" whose faith could falter (presuming that one's own faith never could). As with many things, an "insane response" would be either over-reacting or under-reacting. Both will have bad results, but an overreaction will unnecessarily place a target on your back. People will notice you far too soon. Yes, when we react to a collapsing society by insisting on faithfulness, they are going to notice us eventually, but you do not want to give them any assistance in that.

Some have also questioned where we draw the line in our obedience. Many times in Scripture we are told and given examples of God's people saying "no" to Caesar, Pharaoh and other tyrants. We always are to obey God first, but whenever the civil (or in these days "uncivil") authorities demand that we disobey God, then they lose and He wins. If there is a conflict, our submission to Christ takes precedence over our submission to the state. I am not saying anything new here; this can be found multiple times in God's written Word, and in Catholic theology.

A line has to be drawn in the sand, and that means a line has to be drawn in our hearts. This coming Sunday is Christus Rex (Christ the King); my favorite day in the liturgical year. We draw the line in our hearts when we recognize that Christ is King right now. This is true not just potentially or figuratively, but in reality. Many in the Church tend to downplay this truth because they are uncomfortable with the idea of any sense of triumphalism. Yet, Christ is triumphant -- He already conquered His enemies on the cross and is now working to place them under His feet (cf. 1 Cor 15:25 from the readings for this Sunday). Do you believe that?

An insane year does not call for insane responses, but acknowledging the authority of Christ over all things might seem insane to some (especially those who believe everything the media tells them!). It is not. It is the only response that faithful Catholics can have in days like this. America and many other countries are trying to commit suicide. We might not be able to stop it from happening, but we can survive it and come out on the other side with a strong faith. I say it once again: stand fast!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Doing My Duty, So You Can Do Yours!

 As most of you know, Catholic priests are not supposed to tell the faithful who to vote for in an election. There is a long story that goes with this, and there are different sides to the issue. Regardless of whether that was a good decision by the Bishops or not (and I am glad to discuss with anyone), there is a proper distinction that should be made when we think about the idea of "clergy involved in politics". 

First, the position of the Catholic Church is that clergy are called to minister, primarily, to the laity. They are supposed to be training the faithful in how to interact with the world (i.e. in holiness). This does not mean that clergy are never supposed to interact with the world, but that it should not be their primary activity. This is the reason why clergy are ordinarily not allowed to hold political office or be engaged in the selling of secular commerce; they are to be "apart" from the world. 

The laity, on the other hand, are specifically called to be involved in the world. They are supposed to be engaged in the activities of commerce, political influence, and other secular activities. In doing this, they are called to be "salt and light" for the world from within the world's spheres. I am not making this up -- go look at the catechism and canon law.

This separation of duties helps each to recognize their own unique role in the world, and also keeps each one active in their own sphere of influence. Therefore, when you hear someone complain that a Bishop or Priest has not stepped up and said something against an unjust political practice or some other sinful behavior, it is not exactly an accurate criticism. It is the duty of the laity to be standing up and proclaiming the gospel in the public sphere, and not exactly the clergy. Yes, clergy do so at times, and they will be right there at Right to Life marches (etc.) but if the clergy make that their primary focus (teaching the world), then they will fail to guide and teach the faithful in the Church.

With that said (like I already mentioned), I am not supposed to tell you who to vote for. I can, however, tell you what various politicians and their parties stand for. And that is what I wish to do here:

Enjoy, and please tell others (it is your duty, after all!).

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

When People Refuse to Listen to Truth

Now, this is exasperating! Usually people who turn away from the Catholic faith have reasons. That is becoming less and less the case these days. I am sure you have encountered it in some way, even if you do not realize it. Many today do not want to think. No, I am not saying that many do not want to "think about certain things" (there are many things that we should not want to think about). What I am saying is that many people do not want to think at all. I have mentioned before that the age of rational discussion between differing parties has ended; this is now becoming more and more clear.

When you try to respond to someone's rejection of the faith and they say, "I know you believe that" or "you have no proof, that's just your opinion" or, with that stunningly brilliant piece of wisdom: "so?!", then you know that they do not want to think. You can make a perfectly cogent and compelling argument for someone like this, and he will likely just ignore it. Remarkably, those with this frame of mind will usually view themselves as brilliant; presuming that they have come up with an insurmountable argument. They believe that there is nothing you can say to them since they can just profess apathy and then proceed to ignore you.

It is this growing response that I refer to as "the shield of ignorance and the sword of arrogance". The shield of ignorance is not a true means of defense. Yet those who wield it think that they can defend themselves with it. It actually does no more than salve their consciences. They wish to live blindly, and think they have found a way to justify it. To say "I do not care" or "that is your opinion" is not a means to defend against anything. You can have no care that something is a deadly poison, but if you consume it you will still die. The fact that it is someone's opinion that Jesus Christ is Lord and Judge of all does not thereby mean that it is not true. Every truth is the same as someone's opinion. A shield of ignorance is like a shield made out of spider webs.

The sword of arrogance is also a fake weapon. Like ignorance, arrogance has no actual usefulness other than to intimidate people. Might does not make right, nor does arrogance prove one's opinions. Yet those who wish to live blindly like to proclaim loudly that they are superior (in order to hide some hated personal inferiority) so that they can continue to refuse to accept the teachings of the Church. They use this arrogance as a "sword" and seek to thrust it at us whenever we approach them with the truth. "I don't have to believe you because you are a [insert any category here]"; this is the highest form of prejudice men can fall into. Yet, because it is not a true weapon, it is comparable to being attacked with a sword that is made out of gelatin.

Those whose minds are stuck in this kind of thinking are showing that they really do not understand the Catholic faith. Most of them are rejecting a false idea of God rather than the true God merely because they refuse to think (at all) about what they are doing. It is not impossible to get through to those who think like this, but it is hard. Their "shield of ignorance and sword of arrogance" are very large in their minds because it allows them to live their lives with blinders on. This means that you have to connect with them where they are at: wallowing in their "feelings". Truth might not get through, but goodness and beauty can. 

Goodness is shown in loving God and loving others. It is shown in being deeply committed to the faith in spite of what others say about it. Goodness is the working of the Holy Ghost in our lives so that we can overcome evil. Beauty is certainly physical (God has ordained a standard of what is beautiful, even if we do not yet understand it), but it is not merely physical. You can "feel" beauty, but it is most clearly recognized in what we see (whether it be a thing, or an action). Beauty is seen in the appearance of hope and an encouraging word in a time of trial. Beauty is what we call it when someone is willing to sacrifice their own desires for the sake of strangers. Show them goodness and beauty.

As we seek to bring the gospel to the lost, we have to deal with societal changes and corruptions as they come. Sometimes we are not going to be able to show the truth to someone because they refuse to open their own eyes and see it. Yet, unless the person is dead, their heart will still be open (even if they do not realize it). Appeal to them with holiness. Appeal to them by living out your life in the grace of Christ and be an example of righteousness. Righteousness and godliness are always beautiful; keep showing these things, and you will touch the hearts of those who do not know our Glorious Lord. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Maturity, Wisdom, and Childlike Humility

In an old science fiction comedy movie from about 20 years ago, there is a scene where a scientist makes a comment about some visiting aliens. He says, "by definition, an advanced species will be peaceful". Soon afterward, the aliens land on the Earth and proceed to try to destroy every person on the planet. The irony is sometimes missed since the two scenes are a few minutes apart, but the point is clear if you make the connection. That is, however, the way most people today tend to think: technology equals peace and happiness.

Modern mankind tends to have the perspective (except for a few of us who refuse to accept every idea that is thrown at us from the scientific establishment) that newer is always better, and thus grown ups are always smarter than little kids (just ignore the fact that older folks today largely want to do everything possible to look like they are a teenager!). There is a sense in which age often leads to wisdom (though that is becoming less and less true). Yet, there is more to the picture than merely to say older people are smarter than younger people.

Being "advanced" does not always mean that one is more wise, and being older does not always mean that one is spiritually mature. There is actually a spiritual strength that becomes harder and harder to maintain the older that we get. Our advanced technology is clearly not a sign of peacefulness. As I have said more times than I can count, we today have become barbarians: barbarians with cellphones. It is remarkable that people still think that since we have technology that we are automatically wise; the massive amounts of hate and foolishness evident in modern society proves that to be false.

Yet, Jesus encourages us to become like "little children" more than once in the gospels. Let us think about children for a bit. We all know that children left to themselves are unable to learn for themselves what is right and wrong. They need to be guided and directed in what is best for them, because although they may be able to figure a few things out, there are some big issues that they need help with. This world is a dangerous place to live in, and no one is born with the knowledge of what happens when you walk into the tiger pen at the zoo.

Our spirits are like a child. They need help and guidance. Yet, because we are fallen, we do not always behave as a child. Instead we sometimes slip into wanting to be a grown up ("don't tell me what to do, I can make my own decisions in life!"). This means that each of us needs to recognize our need for help from others. When we fail to do that, that means we are acting "like an adult" when Jesus wants us to be like children. When this happens we are denying our basic needs before God.

This is the reason why teenagers tend to fall into a rebellious streak at times. They are still children by age (so they have very little experience in the world), but they want to be an "adult" and make their own choices in life. Thus, in doing this they are rejecting the humility of needing help and guidance, and trying to shake off any rules that they do not agree with. When we become adults, we all seem--in some way--to become too big for our britches. We do need to make decisions on our own as adults, but that does not mean that we need to make decisions without the help and guidance of others. Trusting ourselves as though we are completely self sufficient is the standard error of growing up. Just because you have the right to make your own decisions, does not mean that you know how to do so.

Sadly, there are many people who may read this and think that I am speaking only about others. Those who have not become "like a child" as Christ encourages us to do, are the ones who are blind to their "adult" pride. In other words, if we do not think we need help from others, we will presume we are fine without help from others (no, that is not redundant). Prideful faith does not humbly seek the assistance that can be found when we reach out in our times of need.

This is the reason why no one can make it through life unscathed. We all make wrong choices at times and mess things up around us. The problem arises when we insist on continuing to make our own choices without the help of others that we truly need. The end result of this is someone who has grown old, but not actually grown up. Many a man in his early twenties thinks that he knows everything he needs to know to get through life, but actually knows barely a fraction of what he thinks he knows. We could say that growing older hinders our ability to grow up.

We all need help at various times in our lives. Spiritually speaking, however, we need help every day, but are not always willing to seek it out. Primarily we need the help of our Almighty Savior; no one doubts that. The means by which He often grants us that help is through the strength of others around us. This is why God has set up the various structures and authorities in our lives (parents, clergy, etc.). Let us each seek to humble ourselves "like a child" and not keep trying to show off our supposed maturity, which is probably a lot less significant than we tell ourselves.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What Every Catholic Needs to Hear!

 I strongly encourage everyone to listen to this homily by my dear friend and fellow Ordinariate priest, Fr. Meeks: 

Fr. Ed Meeks homily

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Majoring in Minors

 Although they were not dealing with a world-wide pandemic in today's gospel reading, it is interesting how there is application from it to our current situation. I am not going to speak to the legitimacy of many of the common claims about the Coronavirus outbreak (but there is serious reason to doubt much of the rhetoric), I think that we should all make sure that we are dealing with things in the way that our Lord Jesus wants us to do.

In the gospel today, a Pharisee criticized Jesus. Apparently the disciples had failed to wash their hands before eating (a standard Jewish practice). Whether for ritual or hygienic reasons, it makes no difference; he and other Jews wanted Jesus to have His disciples wash their hands. His response is interesting for our modern context. He does not say that they should not wash their hands (following proper rules for ritual practices is always correct, and good personal hygiene is also good and right). He does, however, say that the Pharisee was "majoring in minors". 

Our Lord tells him that he was a "fool" because he was so concerned with a practice of lesser importance that he neglected his spiritual health. Jesus says that the Pharisees might have looked nice and clean on the outside but inside they were full of "wickedness". He is, of course, speaking about priorities. What is your priority? Do you ever ask yourself if there is a conflict between your choices regarding the Coronavirus, and your choices regarding your faith? Which one, really, is more important to you? Your actions will reveal where your heart is at (regardless of what you may say verbally). 

I know that I have said this many times before, but it bears saying again, because there are quite a number of people who are imbalanced in this. They live in constant fear of catching a virus (which may or may not be deadly for them), but have very little fear of God (something our faith tells us is necessary). Do you have the same concern for proper reception of the Eucharist as you do for avoiding getting sick?

Our Lord does want us to be physically healthy; no doubt about it. Yet, in the gospel He does not pull any punches. Being more concerned about what is "outside" (our personal health) than what is "inside" (our spiritual health) is a "foolish wickedness". In Scripture, we see many times that we can only control a small bit of our physical situation, but we (by the strength of Christ) can control our spiritual well being by the choices we make in our spiritual disciplines. St. Paul says in one place that bodily health is a good thing, but that spiritual health is what really matters for eternity (1 Timothy 4:8). Do we really believe that?

What are you focusing on right now? Do you have the same amount of concern for your spirit as you do for your body? Or is one more a priority in your life? If so, which is it? We are all going to die someday; nothing can stop that (unless you are one of those alive on the day of the Second Coming of Christ). We can only put off mortality for so long, and the more effort we put into that action the less we will put into our eternal state. This is not an issue of finding a balanced ratio, it is an issue of what really matters when you stand before God. The strongest, healthiest person in the world has no hope on Judgment Day if he did not follow Christ above all else.